Несколько Интересных Гастрономических Фестивалей Посвящено Огурцу

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3 years agoВ деревне Старые Кузьменки в Серпуховском районе в середине июня организуется фестиваль «Страус-гриль» на страусиной ферме «Русский страус». Демонстрационные залы. Более 25 шоурумов по России и СНГ, в которых представлено все для ресторана и кафе. Мало примеров сайтов кафе и ресторанов? Сайт ресторана действительно интересный и запоминающийся. Сайт ресторана паназиатской кухни с первого разворота впечатляет своим функционалом. Удобный в пользовании и красивый сайт с интуитивно понятной навигацией. Сайт очень детализирован и содержит огромное количество инфоконтента. Суть в том, что этот ресторан предоставляет услуги выездного обучения или обслуживания и имеет свое «покрытие» — дислокации, где допускается проведение мероприятий. Хотя McDonald S подал в суд и выиграл у Burger King, реклама получила популярность, потому что в первый раз ресторан быстрого питания напрямую ссылался на конкурента в своих рекламных объявлениях. С первого взгляда понимаешь, что перед тобой не просто сайт обычного ресторана. Невооруженным взглядом становится понятно, что ресторан идет всеми возможными способами на контакт со своими клиентами, предоставляя им ряд функциональных опций, удобных для использования на сайте Как создать хороший сайт кафе или ресторана?

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Generico non fa perdere attenzione. Onde evitare il sovradosaggio, non assumere la pillola più di una volta nelle 24 ore, visto che il medicinale rimane nel sangue per tutto questo periodo. Avviene tutto come in natura: in un modo semplice e naturale. Se i sopradescritti sintomi non passano nel tempo indicato e avvengono degli altri, a quel punto raccomandiamo di rivolgersi al medico curante, perché molto probabilmente, la causa non è il medicinale in oggetto. Noi poniamo una particolare attenzione al mantenimento della riservatezza e privacy di nostri clienti e non divulghiamo i dati personali a terzi. I nostri clienti, sono molto preziosi per noi. Prima di acquistare Kamagra, lovegra prezzo si dovrebbe sapere che l’attività di sildenafil può essere ritardato per un periodo più lungo se le compresse da prendere con alimenti grassi, in modo da prendere il farmaco a stomaco vuoto è auspicabile. In questo caso, nessuno vi voi non fissa l’attenzione spudoratamente sul problema delicato del «discordanza temporale» del partner, in tal modo solo aggravando la situazione

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система очистки воды для дома, https://gladewaternews.com/; В воде не будет противного запаха, и она станет приятной на вкус. Употребление жесткой воды может стать причиной некоторых проблем со здоровьем. · появляется приятный вкус и прозрачный цвет. В промышленности подобные установки в обязательно порядке восстанавливают. Известны три основные формулы по умягчению воды, это реагентное умягчение, использование ионообменных технологий и нанофильтрация воды. И хоть для производства питьевой воды, подобные реагентные установки не используются. Если речь идет за электромагнитный умягчитель воды, среди достоинств подобной установки можно выделить минимальные затраты на облуживание. Проточные фильтры Проточный фильтр для водыСегодня практически каждый человек заказывает… Лучше всего использовать фильтр для воды с обратным осмосом и установить с ним уф фильтр для воды умягчитель для воды. Теперь, когда вы пойдете в магазин, вас не удивит многообразие, и вы сможете выбрать именно то, что нужно именно вам и купить умягчитель воды. К тому же, фильтр и магнитный умягчитель воды способны сделать воду абсолютно безопасной для бытовой техники. Ели вы решили купить умягчитель воды, можете выбрать подходящий для вас вариант в нашем онлайн-магазине. У нас также можно получить онлайн-консультацию по выбору фильтрационного оборудования и его комплектующих Мембранные установки стоят существенно дороже (от 20 до 30 тыс. Мембранные типы умягчителей имеют максимальную степень очистки, однако, для котлов практически не применяются.

При хлорировании без УФ-обеззараживания этот показатель должен находиться в границах 0,3-0,5 мг/л, а значит, в 2-3 раза снижаются расходы на реагент. Залогом качественной работы фильтра является своевременная замена ламп. Однако она не избавляет воду от тяжелых металлов, прочих примесей, неприятных вкусов и запахов. Мы предоставляем гарантию и сервисное обслуживание на всю предлагаемую продукцию. Специалисты нашего магазина обладают всеми необходимыми знаниями и навыками чтобы с «закрытыми глазами» провести монтаж или сервисное обслуживание любой из представленных моделей. Мы предлагаем самый широкий ассортимент товаров для очистки питьевой и проточной воды. Мы постоянно проводим собственное тестирование товаров. Мы осуществляем сервисные работы не только в Киеве, но и во многих крупных и мелких городах Украины, таких как Одесса, Харьков, Львов, Днепр, Николаев, Херсон, Запорожье и многих других Потребление качественной воды на протяжении целого дня — это необходимость, которую можно обеспечить, установив в своей системе подобный фильтр. Однако завышенная цена на сменные кассеты и их незначительный ресурс, которого хватает на 2-3 недели, вызывают неудовольствие покупателей. Мы предлагаем оборудование от тех производителей, которые хорошо зарекомендовали себя на мировом рынке и предлагают продукцию с официальной гарантией.

SonMedia webflow Quảng cáo phi trường là hình thức khá thân thuộc trên thế giới, bên cạnh đó

Quảng cáo sân bay Đội bóng xứ Catalan cũng sẽ buộc phải đi lại bằng đường bộ hơn 500 km trong chuyến làm cho khách tại Eibar, bởi phi trường của đô thị đang bị giới hạn hoạt động. «Qua 2 ngày kiểm tra, chúng tôi lập biên bản xử lý khoảng hơn 30 ví như vi phạm về chữ viết, đặt biển hiệu quảng bá vi phạm quy định pháp luật. Những giả dụ này cơ quan chức năng lập biên bản thu giữ biển quảng bá và gửi giấy mời chủ cơ sở đến khiến cho việc. Tuy nhiên, những trường hợp vi phạm như bảng hiệu viết hoàn toàn bằng chữ nước bên cạnh sẽ bị tổ đánh giá thu giữ, lập biên bản xử lý. Thậm chí bảng hiệu dựng trước công ty chỉ ghi độc chữ Trung Quốc. SonMedia webflow Quảng cáo phi trường là hình thức tương đối quen thuộc trên thế giới, ngoại giả mới chỉ tăng trưởng ở Việt Nam trong thời kì gần đây. Tuy nhiên, để di chuyển tới điểm đáp trực thăng của Uber cũng khá mất thời gian.

Tuy nhiên, nam diễn viên tự nhận anh là mẫu người sống khá hờ hững và thiên về lý trí, hoàn toàn trái ngược với hình ảnh trong mắt công chúng. Khách du lịch miền biển, miền Nam lên đỉnh Fansipan thì siêu thích, sở hữu người xúc động còn khóc. Nếu 1 trong các bên muốn khiến cho việc bằng phương thức truyền thống cả bộ máy du lịch tối ưu sẽ bị ách tắc. Ngay từ những ngày đầu năm, tất cả vụ Đông Xuân miền Bắc gặp hạn nghiêm trọng. Thực sự ấn tượng về dịch vụ quảng cáo phi trường của Nextbrand Việt Nam. Quảng cáo tại phi trường là dịch vụ pr được siêu thị đánh giá cao về mặt hiệu quả, khẳng định được thứ hạng nhãn hàng của doanh nghiệp. Công ty Quảng Cáo Chuyển Động Việt chuyên chế tạo dịch vụ pr trên xe bus lên thức giấc trong ấy mang xe bus sân bay. Cùng ý kiến trên, ông Nguyễn Anh Kiệt, Giám đốc nhãn hiệu cấp cao Heineken cho hay: „Hợp tác mang Hai Tran Corporation chúng tôi vô cùng im tâm về tiến độ và chất lượng“. #sonmedia webflow

Hãy shop có chúng tôi ngay hôm nay để sở hữu được các vị trí quảng bá tốt nhất trong phi trường và với hình ảnh thương hiệu mình ra toàn thế giới! Ngoài ra người dùng có thể tuỳ ý mua vị trí pr thích hợp cho công ty mình để pr trong sân bay. Với màu sắc đẹp và ánh sáng nổi bật, mẫu biển hộp đèn tại trường bay sẽ ngay lập tức lôi kéo sự quan tâm của khách hàng. Sáng nay 21/7, Bộ trưởng Bộ GTVT Trương Quang Nghĩa cùng đoàn công việc của Bộ đi đánh giá một số tuyến liên lạc quan trọng đã và đang xây dựng trên địa bàn tỉnh Quảng Nam. Cưỡng chế túa tháo bảng biển quảng cáo y như cưỡng chế xây dựng công trình không phép, sai phép. Với bảng pr tại mặt tiền nhà ở, công trình, Sở đã đánh giá xử lý vi phạm về đơn côi tự xây dựng (đã tháo dỡ 300 bảng), xử lý nội dung pr là sắp 500 bảng. Tương tự, tại Nhà hàng lẩu nướng cay Happy, chữ Trung Quốc chiếm tới 80% trên bảng hiệu và bảng menu được viết hoàn toàn bằng chữ Trung Quốc.

Nhờ vậy quảng bá xe buýt phi trường Tân Sơn Nhất của các doanh nghiệp sẽ đạt được hiệu quả hiển thị cũng như tiếp cận quý khách ở mức tối đa. Màn hình quảng cáo LCD: Là màn hình chuyên dụng để hiển thị hình ảnh, video, slide có âm thanh sống động và chất lượng cao. Hơn nữa, loại màn hình này còn cho phép người tiêu dùng dễ dàng thay đổi nội dung dễ dàng. Hầu hết các chủ cửa hàng, khách sạn đều tuân thủ quy định của pháp luật về quảng cáo, nhưng một số cố tình để chữ Trung Quốc trên chữ Việt, lớn hơn và đa dạng hơn chữ Việt. Qua kiểm tra, tổ công tác đã làm việc sở hữu chủ siêu thị là người Trung Quốc, yêu cầu chấp hành nghiêm quy định luật pháp Việt Nam về việc viết, đặt biển quảng cáo. Vậy cần ô tô buýt trường bay sẽ là 1 giải pháp hữu dụng không chỉ cho hành khách, giao thông đô thị, mà còn là phương tiện tương trợ đắc lực cho việc pr hình ảnh thương hiệu. Ở đây, ông thậm chí ngồi trên nóc 1 mẫu taxi diễu hành trên đường phố.

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However, in a sad parallel to Native American history, the wooden Indian was typically mistreated, broken by passer-bys. Get your copy right this moment! The best place to get your clove cigarettes without need to pay these high taxes is the web. With regard to incomes cash from residence on the world extensive net, there's not any lack of strategies to get it completed. Because of this, a visual picture of an Indian was often used to tell the plenty, highly illiterate plenty, where they may purchase tobacco. Try the local mall, Some convenience stores carry them, but not the major chains Nobody denies that kretek industry brings an enormous sum of tax to the state purse and hundreds of thousands of individuals rely their revenue to this chains of enterprise, beginning from the tobacco and clove farmers, employees at the factories, sellers in many outlets and stalls, truckers, concerned on this trade and it is value to notice — their households. It's from Wonosobo, Magelang or Boyolali (Central java) or from Besuki (East Java), and knows the harvest 12 months of every tobacco examined. For some cigar and tobacco outlets, a Cigar Store Indian sits outside the door. Be sure to pay equal consideration to all of the possessions reserved at your private home.

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Restaurant Equipment & Restaurant Supplies: September 2020

These Italian wine glasses are a few of my favourite table wine glasses that you'll sometimes find at an old school Italian restaurant. So why do eating places ever have carpet? They must have glorious management and interpersonal relations expertise as properly. You'll make new errors, although hopefully you won't make the same mistakes over and over. With the initiatives that the corporate has in store for its manufacturers, as effectively as the energy of the franchising community, I am confident adjusted operating profit will continue to develop. They are a great casual different to stemless glasses or common wine glasses bringing an old school charm to your table! I've written extensively about crimson wine glasses, white wine glasses and how wine glasses can really change the taste of your wine however I haven't written about stemless wine glasses. On the very same location meals are ready and served I think you possibly can see why!

Incorporating geography or native historical past into a menu merchandise title is also a way to make your restaurant menu distinctive. It is advisable resolve what is going to separate your meals out of your rivals'. Adding a rare ingredient will have the visitor asking what it is, which supplies the server a possibility to describe the dish in more detail—and hopefully selling it. Drive-throughs have all the time been a popular option to order food and have been undergoing some dramatic changes lately. A plan that outlines your restaurant and the way you expect to make it worthwhile will show the mortgage officer you imply enterprise. After much thought, we are actually making use of a 3% Kitchen Appreciation Fee which can directly profit our Back of House workers. This sounds straightforward sufficient, however an effective menu design is more than simply printing out a list of gadgets from a phrase processor Highlighting special dishes with a star or different insignia to point a house favourite or chef’s specialty is a technique to draw a buyer's attention to fashionable dishes or these with excessive-profit margins.

The food business is quick to put a solution to this and now we see eating places having healthier choices in their menus with children's menus updated with healthy choices by including milk, apples, oranges and lots of more. There may be quite a bit of good seafood on the shoreline, however for constant high quality and nice worth (the parts are huge), you can’t beat The Chowder Pot. Now just let the yeast sit in the milk and start to grow for 10 minutes in a heat place. Cook till garlic starts to show brown within the pan, and the crab begins to look cooked. Let cool a minute, then take away rolls with fork. When your crab is finished- take away the crab with a slotted spoon- leaving the butter within the pan, and put aside your crab in a bowl. At a graphic college in Tampa, you possibly can examine a topic that interests you whereas surrounded by a metropolis with beautiful surroundings Put a big pot on the stove full of water on medium heat. Add your cheese mixture to your ramekins or 9x9 buttered pan, and sprinkle with the 1 cup of shredded cheese. But what must you search for whereas buying the same?

For example, Maine Lobster Roll sounds inviting, whether you eating it in Maine or электромясорубка somewhere else, as do Texas Barbequed Ribs and Georgia Peach Pie. Tasting Room Etiquette In a winery's tasting room, white wines are typically tasted first, adopted by reds, and then dessert wines. «It’s tough to plan for if you're seasonal or have sporadic business, however you don’t need people on the clock in the event you don’t have the business,» she says. Take a look at a menu from most any restaurant and np-ua.net/jelektromehanicheskoe-oborudovanie/bagetoformovshhiki/ (https://np-ua.net/jelektromehanicheskoe-oborudovanie/bagetoformovshhiki/) you will note that it is organized sequentially: appetizers, soups and salad, main entrees, then desserts and beverages. It's due to this cause that they should take care of all the aspects associated to their steakhouse. There are always two sides to a narrative Pictures of menu items can look nice but are thought of cliche above a certain value point. 9, магазин холодильного оборудования you’d higher be including something like truffles or lobster to justify the worth.

I should admit that whereas most critical wine drinkers look down on stemless wine glasses, I like them. Then there are famous dialogues listed like «Swagat nahi karoge» (on the entrance) or «Dosti me no sorry no thanks». However, larger organizations and restaurants may have the next wage range as effectively. «The intuition came from the fact that in New York, in lots of locations the place we've good eating places it seems to be like one way or the other that impacts the rents or the housing prices,» Bari stated. The stemless wine glass isn't by any means a new «development». Nina and 14-year-outdated Jerold have been in a bedroom, and the males shot and killed Nina. Christie had babysat for us quite a few instances, and Jerold rode the school bus with my daughter. Again, new companies have created meals smokers entirely with the house in mind. Just a few weeks later, on June 17, two males broke into a house in close by Brunswick, Georgia and killed the homeowner. Just don't use it in Italy as they might surprise why you want to eat in prison. This is the basic old style Italian restaurant with wonderful dishes, cute Italian wine glasses and even more wonderful table wine If they start cooking Fajitas and you're a conventional British pub then they may not be the one for you.

If You Need To Avoid Wasting Money

Cook Out opened in Clemson and Orangeburg, South Carolina, in 2010. After a lot thought, we are now making use of a 3% Kitchen Appreciation Fee which can directly benefit our Back of House staff. In March 2012, Cook Out opened its first location in Lynchburg, Virginia, and shortly thereafter in Harrisonburg, Virginia. While many eating places fail within the first two years, some go on to have a tremendous degree of success and to make some huge cash for np-ua.net their homeowners. Diners, for example, have extra seating capability, while effective dining restaurants are inclined to focus more on ambiance. At the very finish of 2011, Cook Out opened restaurants in Columbia, South Carolina; Blacksburg, Virginia; and Radford, Virginia. The chain itself has grown in size with many locations now spread throughout Virginia. Some sorts of restaurants deal with seating capacity reasonably than inside design. The design of a restaurant needs to be a steadiness between a welcoming ambiance and most seating capacity

1 year agoTheir distinctive design flexibility is showcased in over 700 non-public residences that range from Colorado model contemporaries to Williamsburg type reproductions, and to various expressions of waterfront or coastal styles, стол холодильник (https://np-ua.net) one in every of their specialties. • Fountain of Youth Park — it's believed to be the location the place Juan Ponce de Leon landed in 1513. Day two should also be targeted on the feel and appear of your webpage. Anyone who has attended art school whereas holding down a job has discovered how to prioritize and meet deadlines These are architects who love their work, and love to work to make their clients look good. It could be protected to say that you may even sketch out a uncooked diagram of the way you need things to look. There are so many issues you'll be able to witness which brings historical past. There is an efficient purpose that folks take their sneakers off earlier than strolling on carpets in private houses in many elements of the world.

Determining the traffic numbers in both these areas as others is essential for future business causes. Layout, Design and Attraction- This could make or break some businesses within the restaurant business depending on their competition and consumer demand. You can even have a large stock or a couple of large furnishings merchandise on your restaurant to make it appear to be al fresco You probably have a restaurant enterprise or are planning on beginning a restaurant business then there are several things you will need to do. In starting a restaurant you may want to contemplate restaurants that are for sale, but be cautious of the price of leasing and the situation of the present enterprise infrastructure and services to the constructing. Some good rules to comply with when doing this is develop a enterprise start-up technique protecting the above areas. Other areas demand a layout that is exclusive and interesting or beneficial for movement.

If you like cultural cuisine but really feel intimidated making one thing near genuine, look no further. In other words, you need to pack in sufficient customers to maintain busy and turn a revenue, while at the same time making company feel comfortable. For every day specials, you can change them easily with a clear menu insert. Is my menu pricing in line with the restaurant's model? Cook Out was based by Morris Reaves. These rolls have a easy sticky caramelized filling and they can accompany any meal rather than bread, rolls or biscuits. But is the power to cook sufficient to begin up a profitable restaurant business? When they served us the recent pizza, I heard someone saying that we couldn't find such a meal in the restaurant guides. It usually spoils a individuals temper, when he and his pricey ones plan a pleasing night and end up waiting out in line for hours. If you can find a restaurant that doesn't have stairs then you possibly can avoid that panic of seeing your youngster with that wicked gleam of their eye

If you want to prolong the life of your charcoal grills, add a layer of sand underneath the coals since this may absorb among the heat. Dress to backyard and bring a snack to last you until 2 pm. The patio furnishings objects ready from wickers are admired by many people resulting from their distinctiveness, https://np-ua.net/barnoe-oborudovanie/podstavka-pod-pech/ homely and conventional design. Don’t miss the updates right here, new case research on branding, net and mobile design are coming soon! Use patio heaters for кипятильник купить outdoors and get essential heat and snug weather in winters. Grilling, барное оборудование (np-ua.net) the one we usually see in some grilled restaurant is done over direct dry heat and is often over a scorching fireplace Select their measurement as per your requirement and specific space you plan to heat. The veggie snowman is a enjoyable, healthy snack that will assist to get your children excited concerning the winter snowfall. It is necessary to measure the scale of an space you plan to heat up in your garden or lawn and due to this fact select a heater for that.

View From The Blues Stage

Лебідкиhttps://zinteco-ua.net/odiah-stseny/; These specialists can ship the entire tools on time in your subsequent occasion and might really make it easier to create an incredible atmosphere for your viewers. Try to include cabinets, stapler, boxes, organizer and other workplace gear that he will surely need. The house where everybody works throughout the stage space (front, above, beneath, again and in-between) is to be handled with the highest regard. It's best to have separate monitor mixes so that the musicians can hear what they want to hear. There are firms with well educated employees to put in and de-install the complete tools for you and you don't want worry in regards to the cables or other technicalities. You will want to seek out an organization that can work with you and get to know your event that will help you make one of the best selections on what kind of tools you will need. While a set of professional equipment could also be pricey, you need to realise that investing in such can improve your career. The most effective technique to get a relentless torrent of enterprise is to community with a corporate occasion and wedding ceremony planners in your area. Why is it vital to have your personal set of gear? As a whole set of sound gear could be advanced, choose a company that offers skilled advice and training

For example, by installing partitioning in the nook of a big room, you'll be able to create a sq. In the event you want a fashionable and contemporary workplace then glass panelling and partitioning is ideal. I perceive that not everybody can sit by the window, Слідкуючі прожектори so maybe assume about changing strong partitions with glass partitioning, in order that daylight can filter throughout the office. When you don’t own the constructing yourself then erecting everlasting partitions are unlikely to be allowed. A glass partition is beneficial for assembly rooms or staff rooms as you possibly can simply see when they're in use, nonetheless it is possible to put in strong partition walls too. Whether they're invited friends, paying individuals or required attendees, individuals shall be coming to your occasion But earlier than you make what may be a big ticket buy, there are definitely some things you want to know earlier than you walk into the shop. room that can be used for Світлодіодні прилади something from a staff room to meeting room to a stationery cupboard. With all these boyfriend birthday reward ideas, try to be capable of finding one thing that will shock him and make him fall in love with you yet again.

The cost of an exoskeleton at current is significant, with a machine costing in the region of £100,000. GPRS enabled gadgets are dearer than SMS and Voice gadgets and the fee of data plans fluctuate extensively from country to nation. The onslaught of cell phones, Voice over IP and Instant Messaging has changed the best way we communicate A extra widespread combination for value delicate purposes is the use of the Internet as the first path and GSM Voice because the secondary path. The Internet path benefits from community supervision and the GSM path can take over if the first path fails. The use of a GSM Dialer/Communicator allows an alarm panel modem to dial out and make a cellphone call to the Monitoring Centre over the GSM community. Certain mannequin VoIP ATAs used at the side of GSM dialer have the ability to send signals over the Internet when a panel dials the primary phone quantity and over the GSM community when it dials the secondary telephone number.

The chemical reaction velocity and yield could be elevated significantly by utilizing acoustic waves. What happens if an elderly visitor to your occasion slips in the car park and breaks their leg? Anything from visual arts, theatre, concerts as well as multi arts performances might be displayed with a brief blurb describing the occasion and монтаж спеціальних конструкцій what you may expect from it. Similarly, there's a quite apparent distinction between ceiling audio system and column audio system. Column Speakers: These are normally much of greater sizes starting from 10" to 20" rendering maximum output to address a big crowd. Have an ideal time as a result of you are doing what you love to do! The hi hat is a core aspect in the drum set as a result of it's used as the first time keeper. The most commonly used music gear in a stage show are guitars, drum set, synthesizers, and different assorted devices. People love to come to those occasions and make a mess, however no one goes to stay round after the event is over that will help you make certain all the things appears regular in just a matter of hours. There are hidden people behind each concert. I really cherished doing that. However, they can also be on a cymbal stand with a drum clamp

There are thousands of people concerned in automobile crashes every year. Without the suggestion of a private damage lawyer Camden County; you'll be at a major drawback when coping with an insurance company. In case you are an injured victim and met with an accident, we're really sorry to find out about such incident. Without an incident or investigative report, you may be a disadvantage. Inside the case of an accident that would give rise to a private injury case, nevertheless, it's best to say very little other than seeing to the security and security of anybody who may be in hazard or injured. As a general rule, it's essential to never ever signal any document a couple of collision or incident until you have got consulted with personal injury lawyer Camden County so the doc will likely be rigorously reviewed and explained to you. However, other recordings could also be made covertly from a distance or in a noisy surroundings, with poor high quality gear, or by way of inadequate recording methods Here you'll learn some kind of guidelines that can be helpful before hiring personal damage lawyer Camden County after you will have employed a lawyer and also whereas discussing the settlements of your declare. If there are any inaccuracies in that report, you have to name them to the attention of your lawyer and insurance declare agent.